Come along to the Good Morning Choir for an hour of music to brighten your day! Enjoy singing a wide range of popular songs in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
How does it work?
Simply turn up and sing! Each session costs £6 (£5 to Elleray Hall members), and you can come along whenever you can make it. Lyrics are provided and Carl will teach 2 or 3 songs throughout the morning. With his expert direction, you will also learn the basics of good singing technique, as well as have the chance to sing in 2 or 3 part harmony. There is absolutely no need to have any previous singing experience or know how to read music; everyone is welcome. If you have some musical ability, your musical skills will be most welcome to support the rest of the group. Each week, Carl also welcomes song requests for subsequent sessions (no promises!). We also perform all our songs from each session live on Facebook from 10.20am, so tune in live to watch us if you can’t make it!
Elleray Hall, Teddington
Day and time: Every Wednesday, 9.30am - 10.30am. No sessions on 9th and 16th April 2025.
Venue Address: Elleray Hall, Elleray Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0HG
Booking details: Just turn up ready to sing! If possible, let Carl know you are coming in advance, just to help with organising music for everyone. Cash payments only.